Gillian Zinser Network – NOW AT GILLIANZINSER.NET | Your first & most exclusive source about 90210 actress Gillian Zinser / celebrating 14 years online
Welcome Message
Welcome to Gillian Zinser Network – NOW AT GILLIANZINSER.NET | Your first & most exclusive source about 90210 actress Gillian Zinser / celebrating 14 years online, your best source for the American actress, Gillian Zinser. Here, you can find all the latest news about Gillian, photos of her, videos, interviews, everything about her current projects, and many other things. If you have some questions/suggestions, feel free to contact us. Hope you have a great time and will return again.

Love, Gillian Zinser Network.
90210 Gallery Updates
90210: 4×06 Screencaps

I added in the gallery HD captures with Gillian from episode 6 of “90210” season 4.

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Gallery Link: x282 | Screen Captures: 90210 – “Benefit Of The Doubt”

90210 Gallery Updates On the set
On the set of “90210”

Gillian was spotted on the set of “90210” in LA on October 17, 2011.

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Gallery Link: x4 | 17 October 2011

Gallery Updates Interviews Magazine Scans Movies The Truth Below
Little interview and scan from STAR magazine

I have added new-old scan from Star magazine. It was one issue from June and they chat with Gillian about her movie “The Truth Below”. Check out the scan and article below!

Snow Bound

How well do you really know your friends? In the new made-for-MTV movie The Truth Below, college freshmen Jenna (Gillian Zinser), Ethan (Reid Ewing), Dante (Nick Thurston) and Liam (Ricky Mabe) set out for a spring break snowboarding trip but wind up in a fight for survival – from the elements and each other!

“Their car gets buried under an avalanche on the ride home,” Gillian, whom you might know as Ivy on 90210, tells Star. “As they wait to be rescued they begin to reveal secrets from their pasts – sex, violence, betrayal, lies. It gets ugly!”

Faced with the fear of not making it out alive, the crew begins unburdening themselves of the guilt they’ve held on to for years. But what start out as innocent confessions – Jenna was once expelled from school; Dante stole money from his little brother – soon turn into confessions of lurid affairs, secret crushes and murderous thoughts. Soon it’s obvious: Some of the people trapped here are pretty shady, and not everyone is getting out alive.

“This project reminded me of the importance of being honest in the moment and not looking back and regretting the things we never got to do,” says Gillian, 25. That may seem heavy for an MTV movie, but at least she walked away with some avalanche survival tips, right? ‘No!” says Gillian. “I can’t say we did anything right when it came to figuring out how to escape that vehicle!”

In MTV’s first psychological thriller, The Truth Below, four college pals get buried alive – and that’s when the fun really starts!

“She wears all sorts of masks,” says Gillian of her character, Jenna. “She’s toughened herself up to stand the pain from the past.”

90210 Season 3 DVD Extra Material

I have finally been able to add all the extra material from the Season 3 DVD box of 90210. I still working on media section to post videos, but for now you can enjoy caps!

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Gallery Links:
| 90210 Season Three > DVD Extra: Behind the Scenes
x30 | 90210 Season Three > DVD Extra: Kim Buzelli, Artist
x109 | 90210 Season Three > DVD Extra: A 90210 Wedding
x104 | 90210 Season Three > DVD Extra: A Season in Review: Senior Year
x42 | 90210 Season Three > Gag Reel

90210 Gallery Updates
90210: 4×05 Screencaps

I added in the gallery HD captures with Gillian from episode 5 of “90210” season 4.

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Gallery Link: x60 | Screen Captures: 90210 – “Party Politics”

90210 Gallery Updates
90210: 4×06 stills

I added new high quality stills with Gillian for episode 4×06 “Benefit Of The Doubt” of 90210.


Gallery Link: x1 | Stills & Production Photos: 4×06 – “Benefit Of The Doubt”

90210 Gallery Updates
90210: 4×04 Screencaps

I added in the gallery HD captures with Gillian from episode 4 of “90210” season 4.

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Gallery Link: x225 | Screen Captures: 90210 – “Let The Games Begin”

90210 Gallery Updates
90210: 4×04 stills

I have added new high quality stills with Gillian for episode 4×04 “Let The Games Begin” of 90210.

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Gallery Link: x5 | Stills & Production Photos: 4×04 – “Let The Games Begin”

Site Updates
New gallery theme

We have a new gallery theme done by wonderful Xella. Hope you like it as much, as i do and we have in the gallery already more than 20.000 pictures, isn’t this cool?

90210 Gallery Updates
90210: 4×03 Screencaps

I added in the gallery HD captures with Gillian from episode 3 of “90210” season 4.

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Gallery Link: x220 | Screen Captures: 90210 – “Greek Tragedy”

90210 Interviews Liars All Manson Girls Movies News Savages
‘90210’ Star Gillian Zinser on Muumuus and ‘Manson Girls’

On “90210,” Gillian Zinser plays whip-smart, whimsical Ivy. But what happens on TV doesn’t stay on TV for this actress, who’s just as quick and quirky as her onscreen counterpart. We chatted with Gillian about her fearless fashion sense, building schools in Haiti, the status of “Manson Girls” and more.

Wonderwall: What did you do on your summer vacation?

Gillian Zinser: We had a month off, and within that month, I worked on another project and spent the rest of my time down in Haiti working with Artists for Peace and Justice. Our mission at large is to build schools to serve the poorest areas in Haiti.

WW: How was that?

GZ: I loved spending time in Haiti. It is one of the most inspirational communities, and every time I get the chance to, I go down there. We just erected the only-ever public secondary school to exist in Haiti so that was incredibly exciting, so I went down to check that out and check on some kids that I have grown attached to down there.

WW: You’re always wearing something cool and unique on the red carpet. How do you prep? Do you work with a stylist?

GZ: No, I don’t really believe in working with a stylist. I give myself a rule of no getting ready for longer than 20 minutes. I think that that does not need to be over-thought. I put on what makes me happy, and I am inspired by my moods and what is going on in my head, and God knows there are some crazy stuff in there. I think people respond to the way I dress because it’s representative of my personality, which is eccentric and consistent to keeping myself comfortable within my own skin and not conforming to what others expect or want to see.

WW: Have you had any favorite outfits you’re worn?

GZ: My favorite item in my wardrobe might be my sequin muumuu. I bought that at a thrift store called One Revelation on First Avenue in the East Village in New York. That piece makes me happy.

WW: You and Manish Dayal, who plays your husband Raj on “90210,” work with an organization called Be the Match. Tell us about it.

GZ: is the largest registry for bone marrow donations in the country. A huge issue right now is the fact that out of the 7 million people that are registered, 75 percent of them are Caucasian. That leaves way too many people unrepresented as minorities looking for matches. So Manish and I have done a PSA, and we are working to reach out to minority communities to get them educated and aware of the problem that people who are of minorities have 1 in a 20,000 chance of finding a bone marrow match, and try to get them registered, which costs nothing and is an important part of being a part of the community.

WW: How did you get involved with the organization?

GZ: Our storyline is directly related [to it]. Raj has leukemia on the show and is going through chemotherapy right now. If Raj’s [chemo] was not to work, his character would very possibly have to get a bone marrow transplant, which is why we researched and found and became involved with them. He is Indian, so the Indian representation within the registry is so underrepresented, so if his character were to need a bone marrow transplant, the chance of him finding a match would be really unlikely, in which case he would have a hard chance of living.

WW: Have you yourself registered?

GZ: Yes, of course!

WW: This season, there were big cast shakeups with Trevor Donovan, Ryan Eggold and Lori Loughlin leaving “90210.” Has the dynamic on set changed?

GZ: It’s a shame to see friends go, to not have them with us on set as castmates, but we are also completely supportive of one another as artists, to be able to see them, their lives and careers open up to better opportunities. So I am really happy for all of them to get to move on and direct themselves in another direction.

WW: On the movie front, you’re tapped to play Summer Sunshine in “Manson Girls.” What’s the status of the flick?

GZ: It’s an interesting storyline and a fun piece. We haven’t started — that’s been pushed.

WW: But you do have some movies coming up, right?

GZ: I did an Oliver Stone flick, “Savages,” and I did do a movie with Matt Lanter called “Liars All.”

WW: Are you and Matt completely sick of each other now after doing last season of “90210,” then the movie and now coming back for another season?

GZ: He actually just sent me a text saying, “I miss working with you! I never get to see you anymore.” It didn’t cross my mind. I never see him on set because our storylines are so uninvolved at this point. I really do miss working with Matt. He is one of my favorites. He is a gem to be around, and probably the funniest cast member on set. I do miss Matt a lot and no longer get to see him anymore because Ivy is kind of off in her old world.

Catch Gillian on “90210,” Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW!

90210 Gallery Updates
90210: 4×03 stills

I added new high quality stills with Gillian for episode 4×03 “Greek Tragedy” of 90210.


Gallery Link: x2 | Stills & Production Photos: 4×03 – “Greek Tragedy”

Candids Gallery Updates
Gillian spotted in Santa Monica

Gillian pictured in Santa Monica, CA on September 21, 2011.


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Gallery Link: x17 | 21 September 2011

Gallery Updates Public Appearances
Los Angeles Confidential Magazine’s 2011 Pre-Emmy Party

Gillian Zinser attends the Los Angeles Confidential and The Art of Elysium Celebration of The 2011 Emmys at The London on September 15, 2011 in West Hollywood, California. She looks lovely!


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Gallery Link: x10 | Los Angeles Confidential Magazine’s 2011 Pre-Emmy Party – 15 September 2011

Gallery Updates Movies On the set Savages
On the set of “Savages”

Gillian pictured while filming a scene for movie “Savages” on September 14, 2011.


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Gallery Link: x10 | 14 September 2011

90210 Gallery Updates
90210: 4×01 Screencaps

I added in the gallery HD captures with Gillian from episode 1 of “90210” season 4. Have you enjoy this episode?

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Gallery Link: x404 | Screen Captures: 90210 – “Up In Smoke”

90210 Interviews News
A Brief 90210 Season 4 Chat With Gillian Zinser (Ivy)

At Saturday’s CW Premiere Party, we briefly caught up with actress Gillian Zinser to get the 411 on Season 4 of 90210, which begins at 8PM tonight on The CW.

We also asked her about what’s coming up between her and Raj (Manish Dayal) in the coming season.

“In short, everyone’s transitioning from high school to college. This season is concentrated on that formative period of growth and development from the community that you come from into your own personal understanding of self. While everyone else is exploring themselves through the stereotypical partying that goes on at college, Ivy finds herself having to deal with Raj’s cancer, and then being married, and then finding the balance between being caretaker and also living her life for herself, enjoying herself and having fun,” she says.

But for the scoop we really want to know the answer to – will Ivy actually smile this year?

“I —-in’ hope so!” she says enthusiastically.

Season 4 of 90210 premieres tonight, September 13, at 8PM on The CW. Take a look at some images from the episode!

90210 Interviews News
90210 Season 4 Preview: Naomi’s Baby Drama, ‘Interesting Twist’ for Ivy/Raj, and Teddy’s Exit

The CW’s 90210 kicks off its fourth season this Tuesday at 8/7c, and while a lot has changed (showrunners, cast members, college), new executive producer Patti Carr (Life Unexpected) tells TVLine that fans need not fret — it’s still the same emotionally-heightened coming-of-age sudser you know and love.

TVLINE | Welcome to 90210! Is this season going to be an example of new showrunners, new show?
Not at all. It was an exciting challenge to come in and decide how we were going to take these kids from childhood to adulthood. The kids will start to define themselves and confront who they are.

TVLINE | Season 3 ended on an ambiguous note as to who was actually going to college. That said, how will everyone still interact if they are all in separate locations?
We’re using college the way that kids want college to be — it’s all about the parties and the social life, things that everyone can be involved in whether they’re at the college or not. Our approach was really to take all of the characters who had plans for their lives and screw it all up and make them go through a whole lot of stuff to realize that their friends are their new family. Everybody is back in the premiere episode and you’ll see where they’ve been over the summer, what they thought their lives were going to be, and then how everything changed for them. And we take it from there.

TVLINE | Where do things stand with newlyweds Ivy & Raj when the show picks up?
Ivy and Raj (Gillian Zinser and Manish Dayal) are back [in town] and we’re going to follow the progression of his cancer, as well as their marriage. It’s interesting because they took that step into marriage and really thrust themselves into their adult lives, more so than everyone else.

TVLINE | That was a beautiful little arc in Season 3. Do you plan to maintain his “three years to live” cancer prognosis?
There are actually not only different obstacles for Raj and Ivy, but a really interesting twist on their story regarding what happens with Raj’s cancer. We fell in love with it and when we pitched it to the studio, there were audible gasps.

TVLINE | A remission story, perhaps?
There may be some elements of that. [Laughs]

90210 Gallery Updates Videos
90210 – Series Featurette promo

The cast from 90210 reveal some juicy secrets about their characters’ futures, the video is right here. Don’t miss 90210 season premiere Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 8/7c on The CW.

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Gallery Link: x57 | Screencaps: Misc & Promos: 90210 – Series Featurette

Gallery Updates Public Appearances
More from JEROME/FREEWAY Party

I got some more exclusive pictures with Gillian from JEROME/FREEWAY Party at Soho House in West Hollywood on April 11, 2011. They are really cute!


Gallery Link: x7 | JEROME/FREEWAY Party at Soho House West Hollywood – 11 April 2011

Gallery Updates Photoshoots
New FOAM outtake

I found new outtake with Gillian from her FOAM magazine shoot, she looks amazing!


Gallery Link: x1 | Photoshoots: 008

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Who is Gillian
Gillian Amalia Zinser is an American actress, known for her appearances as Ivy Sullivan in 90210. She attended New York University in New York City, NY. Prior to 90210, she appeared in Southland, Cold Case and Cupid. She played a recurring role in 90210 during the second season from 2009 to 2010, as a young Californian surfer named Ivy Sullivan. In February 2010, she was signed as a regular cast member for the third season of the show. In 2011 Zinser starred in her first feature, The Truth Below for MTV, and in Liars All with Matt Lanter. She grew up in Washington, D.C. and now resides in Venice, California.
Current Projects
Smile (2022)
Gillian as Holly
Director: Parker Finn
Status: Completed
Information | Photos | Official

Holy New York (2018)
Gillian as Rose
Director: Sonya Goddy
Status: Completed
Information | Photos | Official

Whoever You Are, (2017)
Gillian as Woman
Director: Gillian Zinser
Status: Completed
Information | Photos | Official

Band Aid (2017)
Gillian as Sheena
Director: Zoe Lister-Jones
Status: Completed
Information | Photos | Official

Halfway (2017)
Gillian as Eliza
Director: Ben Caird
Status: Completed
Information | Photos | Official

End of Babes (2015)
Gillian as Elly
Director: Jimmy Marble
Status: Completed
Information | Photos | Official

Two Wrongs (2015)
Gillian as Sarah Harris
Director: Tristan Dubois
Status: Completed
Information | Photos | Official

Always Worthy (2015)
Gillian as Mara
Director: Marianna Palka
Status: Completed
Information | Photos | Official

Asthma (2014)
Gillian as Kara
Director: Jake Hoffman
Status: Completed
Information | Photos | Official
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GillianZinser.Net is just a fansite for everything Gillian Zinser. This website is here for take some informations , her lastest news, and many pictures of Gillian for others fans. We haven't got a contact with her, her friends or her agent. Thanks to respect our work.

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Site Name: Gillian Zinser Network – NOW AT GILLIANZINSER.NET | Your first & most exclusive source about 90210 actress Gillian Zinser / celebrating 14 years online
Opened: 01.02.2011
Administrator: Katya
Powered by: Wordpress
Language: English
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