Gillian Zinser Network – NOW AT GILLIANZINSER.NET | Your first & most exclusive source about 90210 actress Gillian Zinser / celebrating 14 years online
Welcome Message
Welcome to Gillian Zinser Network – NOW AT GILLIANZINSER.NET | Your first & most exclusive source about 90210 actress Gillian Zinser / celebrating 14 years online, your best source for the American actress, Gillian Zinser. Here, you can find all the latest news about Gillian, photos of her, videos, interviews, everything about her current projects, and many other things. If you have some questions/suggestions, feel free to contact us. Hope you have a great time and will return again.

Love, Gillian Zinser Network.
Gallery Updates Interviews Photoshoots
What’s New: Gillian Zinser – Foam Magazine

You might know actress Gillian Zinser as 90210’s surf goddess Ivy, who—ever the SoCal poster child—is perpetually shown in cutoffs with her board in tow. So what does this Venice Beach transplant do when she isn’t playing a surfer girl on TV? She surfs. And that’s not the only similarity between the actress and her alter ego.

“I share a lot of Ivy’s free-spirited attitude, her joie de vivre,” says Zinser—and we saw plenty of evidence of that when we sat the actress down to talk about healthy living, perfect days on the water, and her trip to Haiti working with Artists for Peace and Justice.

Foam: We hear you’re really into surfing. What do you love most about being out on the water?
Gillian Zinser: The humbling effect of being alone in the ocean. I love the peaceful feeling of being away from everything and everyone.

F: What motivated you to learn how to surf, having grown up on the East Coast?
GZ: I was in search of adventure. I learned in Costa Rica when I was 17. Warm waters, empty beaches, balmy rains and Caribbean sunsets—it was pretty magical.

F: You’re obviously really thoughtful about the way you live and treat your body. Do you have any rules, when it comes to food?
GZ: I eat mostly raw, whole foods. I won’t touch anything with ingredients I can’t pronounce.

F: And apart from the physical stuff, what else do you do to stay healthy?
GZ: I laugh, appreciate everything I have, keep my priorities straight, and remember to slow down and enjoy the hell outta this life.

F: Why is relief in Haiti so important to you?
GZ: I believe it’s part of my responsibility to do what I can to better the lives of others—so whether that’s through inspiring someone to feel something by sharing the human experience through a story, or through building a school in a refugee camp in Haiti, that’s always my goal. And as an artist, I feel it’s part of my job to actively seek out and understand the human condition, so instead of just donating money to support Haiti’s relief efforts, I wanted to go down there to understand it myself. Haiti’s disaster is ongoing, and we have to help keep their story alive until real change has been made.

Scan from Foam magazine also available here.

90210 Gallery Updates On the set
Gillian on set of ”90210”

Gillian spotted on the set of “90210” on January 20, 2011.

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Gallery Link: x4 | 20 January 2011

Gallery Updates Photoshoots
New Gillian shoot in HQ

New photoshoot with Gillian in HQ, she looks gorgeous.


Gallery Link: x1 | Photoshoots: 007

90210 Gallery Updates On the set
Gillian on set of ”90210”

Gillian pictured on the set of ‘90210’ on January 10, 2011.


Gallery Link: x11 | 10 January 2011

90210 Gallery Updates
90210: 3×12 stills

I added new high quality stills with Gillian for episode 3×12 “Liars” of 90210.

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Gallery Link: x7 | Stills & Production Photos: 3×12 – “Liars”

Gallery Updates Interviews Photoshoots
MARKTbeauty Photoshoot & Article

I recently had the opportunity to meet and work with the incredible Gillian Zinser from 90210. I had such a blast collaborating with her, she is so smart, funny, clever and stunningly beautiful. She came to the photo shoot with so many great ideas and brought her spirit to these images and gave them a modern, whimsical feel. I think Gillian is amazingly talented, I cannot wait to see where her career is headed!

Rachel Goodwin: Gillian is a free spirit with a real penchant for the avant garde. I loved that she wanted to experiment with neon colors and abstract shapes for our shoot. Gillian see’s make up as an opportunity to experiment with ideas versus just beautification and that’s always really challenging and fun for me as an artist. I played with geometric shapes and vivid shades on her, taking a more bare bones approach to the rest of the make up, focusing mostly on the bold shapes and color. I used professional make up palette by Kryolan to create the look which are essentially face-paints. They can be found online or at places like Namie’s or Nigel’s Beauty here in Los Angeles or Alcone in NY.

Gillian’s hair is AMAZING! I am sure her hair will do anything you want it to, but I loved the texture in her hair when she arrived in the studio so I just took a 1 1/2 inch curling iron and wrapped random sections of hair around it and then I used a small amount of Dove Frizz Control Taming Cream on her hair to give it some extra shine.

GZ: Don’t over pluck your eyebrows. You’ll miss them one day.

GZ: Grace. Confidence. Ryan Gosling. 

GZ: Chapstick. Horribly addicted. Currently on a 12-step program I found on the internet to ween myself off. Other than that, I’m pretty laissez-faire. Dermalogica and YON-KA on my skin, and Kerastase when I need to tame my wild mane.

10 Questions with Gillian Zinser

What beauty trick did you learn from your mom?
Less is more.

What drugstore product do you swear by?
Cocoa Butter Swivel Stick.

What products would we find in your teensiest red carpet clutch?
NARS The Mutliple Stick in Cadaques (this color is no longer available, but check out the other colors) and Tom Ford Black Orchid Perfume Pen.

What products do you never travel without?
Murad Essential-C Day Moisture SPF 30, Jane Iredale Magic Mitt, La Mer The Eye Concentrate, Dermalogica Daily Resurfacer and Bulgari Pour Homme Parum.

What’s your biggest beauty splurge?
My Breville Fountain Juicer.

Who is your beauty icon from the past?

Who is your current beauty icon?
Patti Smith.

Which of your red carpet beauty looks was your favorite?
This year’s Teen Vogue Young Hollywood soiree. Fewer things make me happier than a sequined muumuu.

If you could trade hair with anyone, who would it be?
Jem from the ’90s cartoon Jem and the Holograms.

The one beauty trend you’ll never embrace?
Hair extensions.

…and the one beauty trend you’d like to bring back?
The hair scarf.

Article by Mark Townsend

Gallery Updates
Miscellaneous: personal pictures

We have album in the gallery with Gillian’s personal pictures – with fans and also from her Twitter account.

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Gallery Link: x49 | Miscellaneous: Personal

Gallery Updates Photoshoots
Gallery updates: photoshoots

I added few photoshoots with Gillian (American Vintage, G-L-O-R-I-A magazine, etc) and also you can check a few magazine scans.

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Gallery Link: x48 | Photoshoots

Gallery Updates
Screen captures from videos added

In the gallery was added a huge amount screen captures with Gillian from various videos – appearances, shoots, interviews, etc.

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Gallery Link: x3347 | Screen Captures

90210 Gallery Updates
90210 season 3: episode stills

We added high-quality stills with Gillian from season 3 of 90210.

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Gallery Link: x27 | 90210 season 3: Stills & Production Photos

90210 Gallery Updates
90210 season 3: screencaptures

You can watch HD screen captures from season 3 of 90210 in our gallery.

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Gallery Link: x2999 | 90210 Screen Captures: Season 2

90210 Gallery Updates On the set
90210 season 3: on the set

Gillian on the set of 90210 for season 3.


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Gallery Link: x179 | 90210 season 3: on set

90210 Gallery Updates
90210 season 2: episode stills & promos

We added high-quality stills and promo pictures with Gillian from season 2 of 90210.

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Gallery Links:
| 90210 season 2: Stills & Production Photos
x2 | 90210 season 2: Promos

90210 Gallery Updates
90210 season 2: screencaptures

You can watch HD screen captures from season 2 of 90210 in our gallery.

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Gallery Link: x3022 | 90210 Screen Captures: Season 2

90210 Gallery Updates On the set
90210 season 2: on the set

Gillian on the set of 90210 for season 2.


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Gallery Link: x110 | 90210 season 2: on set

Gallery Updates Television
Added caps from other tv-shows

Before 90210, Gillian appeared in few tv-shows, such as Southland, Cupid, Cold Case and The City. You can watch screen captures from them into the gallery.

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Gallery Link: x219 | Television: Screen Captures

Candids Gallery Updates
2008-2010 Candids

I added in the gallery few candids with Gillian from 2008-2010.


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Gallery Link: x69 | Candids: 2008-2010

Gallery Updates Public Appearances
2008-2010 Event Adds

I’ve added a bunch of pictures to event from 2008-2010. Enjoy!

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Gallery Link: x450 | Public Appearances: 2008-2010

Site Updates
Gillian knows about this fansite!

We was really flattered when have seen Gillian’s reaction on our tweet, where i talking about the site opening, cause nothing better than to know, what the person who you admit and adore find out about this fan site! Thank you Gillian, we love you!

Site Updates
New gallery layout

We got a new layout for our gallery done by talanted K-Designs. Hope you like it!

Site Updates

With a great pleasure i’m glad to inform that the first fansite about actress Gillian Zinser is finally open! Firstly I want to say thank you to K-Designs for such gorgeous layout. I hope you like it as much, as I do. For a while I should finish some sections, but we already have a photogallery, where has more than 10000 pictures. So please welcome, enjoy your stay and feel free to leave comments.

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Who is Gillian
Gillian Amalia Zinser is an American actress, known for her appearances as Ivy Sullivan in 90210. She attended New York University in New York City, NY. Prior to 90210, she appeared in Southland, Cold Case and Cupid. She played a recurring role in 90210 during the second season from 2009 to 2010, as a young Californian surfer named Ivy Sullivan. In February 2010, she was signed as a regular cast member for the third season of the show. In 2011 Zinser starred in her first feature, The Truth Below for MTV, and in Liars All with Matt Lanter. She grew up in Washington, D.C. and now resides in Venice, California.
Current Projects
Smile (2022)
Gillian as Holly
Director: Parker Finn
Status: Completed
Information | Photos | Official

Holy New York (2018)
Gillian as Rose
Director: Sonya Goddy
Status: Completed
Information | Photos | Official

Whoever You Are, (2017)
Gillian as Woman
Director: Gillian Zinser
Status: Completed
Information | Photos | Official

Band Aid (2017)
Gillian as Sheena
Director: Zoe Lister-Jones
Status: Completed
Information | Photos | Official

Halfway (2017)
Gillian as Eliza
Director: Ben Caird
Status: Completed
Information | Photos | Official

End of Babes (2015)
Gillian as Elly
Director: Jimmy Marble
Status: Completed
Information | Photos | Official

Two Wrongs (2015)
Gillian as Sarah Harris
Director: Tristan Dubois
Status: Completed
Information | Photos | Official

Always Worthy (2015)
Gillian as Mara
Director: Marianna Palka
Status: Completed
Information | Photos | Official

Asthma (2014)
Gillian as Kara
Director: Jake Hoffman
Status: Completed
Information | Photos | Official
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Officially Opened: 01.02.2011
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GillianZinser.Net is just a fansite for everything Gillian Zinser. This website is here for take some informations , her lastest news, and many pictures of Gillian for others fans. We haven't got a contact with her, her friends or her agent. Thanks to respect our work.

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Site Information
Site Name: Gillian Zinser Network – NOW AT GILLIANZINSER.NET | Your first & most exclusive source about 90210 actress Gillian Zinser / celebrating 14 years online
Opened: 01.02.2011
Administrator: Katya
Powered by: Wordpress
Language: English
Theme: by Estrella Design